Thursday, 12 May 2016

Retrieving Documents and properties based on Content Based Retrieval(CBR)

//Retrieving Documents and properties based on Content Based Retrieval(CBR)

//content-based document searching

import java.util.Iterator;

import com.filenet.api.collection.DocumentSet;
import com.filenet.api.core.Connection;
import com.filenet.api.core.Document;
import com.filenet.api.core.Domain;
import com.filenet.api.core.Factory;
import com.filenet.api.core.ObjectStore;
import com.filenet.api.query.SearchSQL;
import com.filenet.api.query.SearchScope;
import com.filenet.api.util.UserContext;

public class ceUtil {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ceUtil obj = new ceUtil();


public Connection getCEConnection() {

Connection conn = null;
try {

String ceURI = "http://localhost:9080/wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM/";

String userName = "userName";
String password = "password";
conn = Factory.Connection.getConnection(ceURI);
Subject subject = UserContext.createSubject(conn, userName,
password, null);
UserContext uc = UserContext.get();
} catch (Exception e1) {
System.out.println("CE Connection" + conn);
return conn;

public void FetchCEObjects(Connection conn) {
try {
Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(conn, null, null);
ObjectStore objStore = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain,"OSNAME", null);

SearchScope search = new SearchScope(objStore);
String keyWord = "keyword in attachment";

String mySQLString= "SELECT d.this, DocumentTitle,Name FROM docClass d INNER JOIN ContentSearch v ON v.QueriedObject= d.This WHERE d.IsCurrentVersion= TRUE AND CONTAINS(d.*,'" + keyWord+ "')";
SearchSQL sql= new SearchSQL(mySQLString); 
DocumentSet documents = (DocumentSet) search.fetchObjects(sql,Integer.valueOf("50"),null, Boolean.valueOf(true));
com.filenet.api.core.Document doc; 

Iterator it = documents.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
doc = (Document);

} catch (Exception e) {


Additinal Queries for Content Based search

SELECT d.This, DocumentTitle, Name FROM docClass d INNER JOIN VerityContentSearch v ON v.QueriedObject= d.This WHERE d.IsCurrentVersion= TRUE AND CONTAINS(d.*,'model <SENTENCE> Deluxe')
//Search for documents that contain the two key words in a sentence (use with <SENTENCE>).

SELECT d.This, DocumentTitle, Name FROM docClass d INNER JOIN VerityContentSearch v ON v.QueriedObject= d.This WHERE d.IsCurrentVersion= TRUE AND CONTAINS(d.*, 'tested <NEAR/25> passed')
//Search for documents that contain the two key words located close to each other (use with <NEAR>)


//Sample code for retrieving the properties based on CBR

RepositoryRowSet rowSet= search.fetchRows(sql, Integer.valueOf("50"),null,Boolean.valueOf(true));
Iterator itRow= rowSet.iterator();
RepositoryRow row; props; prop; 
while (itRow.hasNext()) 
row = (RepositoryRow);
props = row.getProperties(); 
Iterator itProp= props.iterator(); 
while (itProp.hasNext())
prop =(;
System.out.println(prop.getPropertyName() +" = " + prop.getFloat64Value().toString());
System.out.println(prop.getPropertyName()+" = " + prop.getStringValue());

Searching or Retriving Documents from Multiple Object stores in FileNet Content Engine

//Searching or Retriving Documents from Multiple Object stores in FileNet Content Engine

import java.util.Iterator;

import com.filenet.api.collection.DocumentSet;
import com.filenet.api.constants.MergeMode;
import com.filenet.api.core.Connection;
import com.filenet.api.core.Document;
import com.filenet.api.core.Domain;
import com.filenet.api.core.Factory;
import com.filenet.api.core.ObjectStore;
import com.filenet.api.query.SearchSQL;
import com.filenet.api.query.SearchScope;
import com.filenet.api.util.UserContext;

public class ceUtil {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ceUtil obj = new ceUtil();


public Connection getCEConnection() {

Connection conn = null;
try {

String ceURI = "http://localhost:9080/wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM/";

String userName = "username";
String password = "password";
conn = Factory.Connection.getConnection(ceURI);
Subject subject = UserContext.createSubject(conn, userName,
password, null);
UserContext uc = UserContext.get();
} catch (Exception e1) {
System.out.println("CE Connection" + conn);
return conn;

public void FetchCEObjects(Connection conn) {

try {
Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(conn, null, null);

ObjectStore objectStores[] = new ObjectStore[2];
objectStores[0] = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain,"DESIGNOS", null);
objectStores[1] = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain,"TARGETOS", null);
System.out.println("Object Store 1 : "+objectStores[0].get_DisplayName());
System.out.println("Object Store 2 : "+objectStores[1].get_DisplayName());

PropertyFilter pf= new PropertyFilter();
pf.addIncludeProperty(new FilterElement(Integer.getInteger("2"),null, Boolean.valueOf(true),"Name"));
SearchScope search = new SearchScope(objectStores, MergeMode.UNION);
SearchSQL sql= new SearchSQL("Select * from docClass where Creator='p8admin'");
DocumentSet documents = (DocumentSet)search.fetchObjects(sql,Integer.getInteger("50"),pf, Boolean.valueOf(true));

Document doc;
Iterator it = documents.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()){doc = (Document);

} catch (Exception e) {

Searching Documents with Paging concept in FileNet Content Engine

PageIterator (Paging)  (FileNet Content Engine API)

Provides paging functionality for sets of independent objects and repository rows.

Sets of independent objects and repository rows are divided into pages;each page is a number of collection elements (objects or rows) that represent a subset of the collection elements. You can iterate a page at a time instead of one object or row at a time. 

As an example, if a page is defined as 10 elements, and the collection has a total of 22 elements, the first paging operation returns a page containing 10 elements, the second page returns the next 10 elements, and the third page returns the last 2 elements. This page iteration is especially useful for interactive applications that display a page of information at a time.

//Searching Documents with Paging concept in FileNet Content Engine

import java.util.Iterator;
import com.filenet.api.collection.ClassDescriptionSet;
import com.filenet.api.collection.DocumentSet;
import com.filenet.api.collection.PageIterator;
import com.filenet.api.core.Connection;
import com.filenet.api.core.Document;
import com.filenet.api.core.Domain;
import com.filenet.api.core.Factory;
import com.filenet.api.core.ObjectStore;
import com.filenet.api.meta.ClassDescription;
import com.filenet.api.query.SearchSQL;
import com.filenet.api.query.SearchScope;
import com.filenet.api.util.UserContext;

public class ceUtil {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ceUtil obj = new ceUtil();

public Connection getCEConnection() {

Connection conn = null;
try {
String ceURI = "http://localhost:9080/wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM/";
String userName = "username";
String password = "password!";
conn = Factory.Connection.getConnection(ceURI);
Subject subject = UserContext.createSubject(conn, userName,
password, null);
UserContext uc = UserContext.get();
} catch (Exception e1) {
System.out.println("CE Connection" + conn);
return conn;

public void FetchCEDocs(Connection conn) {

try {
Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(conn, null, null);
ObjectStore objStore = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain,"OS NAME", null);
String folder= "/TestEform";

SearchScope search = new SearchScope(objStore);
String sql1 = "Select * from docClass where Creator='p8admin'";
SearchSQL searchSQL= new SearchSQL(sql1); 
DocumentSet documents = (DocumentSet) search.fetchObjects(searchSQL,Integer.valueOf("50"),null, Boolean.valueOf(true)); 

//Without Paging Concept
Document doc;
Iterator DocIt= documents.iterator();
while (DocIt.hasNext())
doc = (Document);

// With Paging Concept
PageIterator pageIter= documents.pageIterator();
int pageCount= 0; 
while (pageIter.nextPage() == true) 
int elementCount= pageIter.getElementCount();
System.out.println("Element Count = "+elementCount);
Object[] pageObjects= pageIter.getCurrentPage();
for (int index=0; index<pageObjects.length;index++)
Document document = (Document)pageObjects[index];
System.out.println("document= "+ document.get_Name());
} catch (Exception e) {

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Java Sample Code for Creating Custom Object in FileNet

// Java Sample Code for Creating Custom Object in FileNet

public void CreateCustomObject(Connection conn) {

try {
Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(conn, null, null);
ObjectStore objStore = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain,"OSNAME", null);


//Creaing Custome Object and setting properties

CustomObject myObject= Factory.CustomObject.createInstance(objStore,"Student"); //Object store, Costome Object Class Name props = myObject.getProperties();
props.putValue("StuID", "RK1234");
props.putValue("StuMailID", "");
props.putValue("age", 13);
DateFormat date = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Date memeberDate= date.parse("20/12/2015");
props.putValue("JoiningDate", memeberDate);;
System.out.println("Customobject " + myObject.get_Name() + " created");

//Saving the Custome Object into folder
String folder= "/Test";
com.filenet.api.core.Folder folderOj= Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(objStore,folder, null);
ReferentialContainmentRelationship rel = folderOj.file(myObject,AutoUniqueName.AUTO_UNIQUE,null,DefineSecurityParentage.DO_NOT_DEFINE_SECURITY_PARENTAGE);;

} catch (Exception e) {

Java Sample code to retrieve a custom object in FileNet

//Java Sample code to retrieve a custom object in FileNet

public void FetchCEObjects(Connection conn) {

try {
Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(conn, null, null);
ObjectStore objStore = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain,"OSNAME", null);
String customeObjectPath= "/Test/stuInfo022"; // Full Path of Custome Object

CustomObject myObject= Factory.CustomObject.fetchInstance(objStore,customeObjectPath, null);

String TitleName= myObject.get_Name();
System.out.println(TitleName+ " Name is retrieved"); props = myObject.getProperties();
   String StuID = props.getStringValue("StuID");
String StuMailID= props.getStringValue("ICCMailUID");
Integer age = props.getInteger32Value("age");
Date dateCreated= props.getDateTimeValue(PropertyNames.DATE_CREATED);
Date JoiningDate= props.getDateTimeValue("JoiningDate");
   System.out.println("Student ID: " + StuID );
System.out.println("Student age: " + age);
System.out.println("Mail ID: " + StuMailID);
System.out.println("Date created: " + dateCreated);
System.out.println("Joining Date : " + JoiningDate);

} catch (Exception e) {


Java Sample for Retrieving collections of individual classes meta data and individual properties meta data (FileNet Content Engine API)

// Java Sample for Retrieving collections of individual classes meta data and individual properties meta data (FileNet Content Engine API)

public void FetchPropClassDesc(Connection conn) {

try {
Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(conn, null, null);
ObjectStore objStore = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain,"OSNAME", null);

ClassDescription Are collections of metadata that describe individual classes
Provide access to PropertyDescriptionobjects associated with class 
Return default permission for an object of a particular class
Determine if versioning is enabled for a particular Document class
Assign a document lifecycle policy to a document class or subclassRetrieve

ClassDescriptionSet classDescriptions= objStore.get_ClassDescriptions();
ClassDescription classDesc;
Iterator it = classDescriptions.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) 
classDesc= (ClassDescription);
System.out.println("Class name = " + classDesc.get_DisplayName());


PropertyFilter pf= new PropertyFilter();
pf.addIncludeType(0, null, null, FilteredPropertyType.ANY,1);
Document document=Factory.Document.fetchInstance(objStore, new Id("{08CA2852-111B-4E5D-B032-DBG2A653B4FD}"), pf);
String documentName= document.get_Name();
System.out.println(documentName+ " Document has been retrieved");

com.filenet.api.meta.ClassDescription classDescription= document.get_ClassDescription();
Are collections of metadata that describe individual properties
Are contained in the ClassDescriptionPropertyDescriptionsproperty
Provide information on how the property needs to be represented to the user
Contain information such as choice lists 
Each instance of a PropertyDescription object describes a specific property for a single class

PropertyDescriptionList propDescs= classDescription.get_PropertyDescriptions();
PropertyDescription propDesc; 
Iterator propIt= propDescs.iterator();
while (propIt.hasNext()) 

System.out.println("Property name = " +propDesc.get_SymbolicName()); 
//get_SymbolicName(): A String thatrepresents the programmatic identifier for this PropertyDescription

System.out.println("Read only? " + propDesc.get_IsReadOnly().toString()); 
//get_IsReadOnly(): A Boolean value that indicates whether or not you can modify the value of the property. If true, the property value can be changed only by the server

System.out.println("Value of Property" + propDesc.get_Settability()); 
//get_Settability(): A constant that indicates when the value of a property can be setRetrieve (READ_ONLY-3, READ_WRITE-0, SETTABLE_ONLY_BEFORE_CHECKIN-1, SETTABLE_ONLY_ON_CREATE)

System.out.println("Is Value Required ? "+propDesc.get_IsValueRequired()); 
//get_IsValueRequired(): A Boolean value that indicates whether the property is required to have a value (true) or not (false)

System.out.println("Cardinality = " + propDesc.get_Cardinality()); 
//get_Cardinality() :A constant that indicates the cardinality of the PropertyDescription (ENUM-1, LIST-2, SINGLE-0)

/*get_IsSystemGenerated(): A Boolean value that indicates whether the property has its value set automatically by the Content Engine server (true) or not (false). 
If the value is true, the described property does one of the following:
Provides system information
Has its value determined by the server


} catch (Exception e) {

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Retrieving all documents and objects in Folder (FileNet CE API)

//Retrieving all documents and objects in Folder (FileNet CE API)

public void FetchCEObjectsInFolder(Connection conn) {  //FileNet CE Connection 

try {
Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(conn, null, null);
ObjectStore objStore = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain,"OSNAME", null);
System.out.println("Object Store ="+ objStore.get_DisplayName() );

String folder= "/Test"; // Folder name

com.filenet.api.core.Folder folderOj= Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(objStore,folder, null);

DocumentSet documents = folderOj.get_ContainedDocuments(); //For documents

ReferentialContainmentRelationshipSet refConRelSet= folderOj.get_Containees(); // for objects
Iterator it = documents.iterator(); 

//Retrieving documents
Document retrieveDoc= (Document);
String name = retrieveDoc.get_Name();
System.out.println("Document Name :: "+ name);

//Retrieving Objects
ReferentialContainmentRelationship retrieveObj=(ReferentialContainmentRelationship);
IndependentObject containee=retrieveObj.get_Head();
String className= containee.getClassName();
String displayName= retrieveObj.get_Name(); 
System.out.println("Class Name = "+ className);
System.out.println("Display Name = "+ displayName);
} catch (Exception e) {

Deleting Sub Folders and Root Folder in CE

//Deleting Sub Folders and Root Folder in CE

public void deleteCEFolder(Connection conn) {  //FileNet CE Connection

try {
Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(conn, null, null);
ObjectStore objStore = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain,"OSNAME", null);
System.out.println("Object Store ="+ objStore.get_DisplayName() );

String folder= "/NewFolder";

com.filenet.api.core.Folder folderOj= Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(objStore,folder, null);

FolderSet subFolders= folderOj.get_SubFolders();
Iterator it = subFolders.iterator();

com.filenet.api.core.Folder subFolder= (com.filenet.api.core.Folder);

String name = ((com.filenet.api.core.Folder) subFolder).get_FolderName();
System.out.println("Subfolder = "+name);

//1. First Delete sub folders
System.out.println("Subfolder = "+name+" is Deleted");

  //2. Delete Root folder

System.out.println("Root Folder "+folderOj + "is Deleted");

} catch (Exception e) {

Fetching folders and sub folders in CE

//Fetching folders and sub folders in CE

public void FetchCEFolder(Connection conn) {     //FileNet CE Connection 

try {
Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(conn, null, null);
ObjectStore objStore = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain,"OSNAME", null);
System.out.println("Object Store ="+ objStore.get_DisplayName() );

String folder= "/NewFolder";

// Fetching Parent folder
com.filenet.api.core.Folder folderOj= Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(objStore,folder, null);

//Fetching sub folders 
FolderSet subFolders= folderOj.get_SubFolders(); 
Iterator it = subFolders.iterator();
com.filenet.api.core.Folder subFolder= (com.filenet.api.core.Folder); 
String name = ((com.filenet.api.core.Folder) subFolder).get_FolderName();
System.out.println("Subfolder = "+name);

// Fetching hidden folders
System.out.println("Folder "+ name + "is hidden");


} catch (Exception e) {

Creating folder and sub folder in CE (CE API)

// Creating folder and sub folder in CE (CE API)

public void createCEFolder(Connection conn) {    //FileNet CE Connection 

try {
//fetching Domain
Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(conn, null, null);
//fetching Object Store
ObjectStore objStore = Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(domain,"OSNAME", null);
System.out.println("Object Store ="+ objStore.get_DisplayName() );

//Creating Root folder 
com.filenet.api.core.Folder testFolder= Factory.Folder.createInstance(objStore,null);
com.filenet.api.core.Folder rootFolder= objStore.get_RootFolder(); 
testFolder.set_FolderName("NewFolder"); //Folder Name;

//Creating Sub folder
com.filenet.api.core.Folder subFolder= testFolder.createSubFolder("newSubFolder");;

} catch (Exception e) {